<. 30 Candles | 17 – Donating Blood

Archive for 17 – Donating Blood

Donating blood for the 2nd time

I decided to do a video blog about donating blood for the 2nd time. Enjoy!

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November, you are looking awesome!

(photo source: denverpost.com) Yesterday – I booked an appointment to donate blood again! (#17) Today – Booked reservations for a trapeze class at the San Francisco Circus School (#3) This weekend – Veggie Thanksgiving with friends Next weekend – Trapeze class/birthday weekend (turning 28)! Weekend…

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#17 – Donating Blood

Last weekend the Silicon Valley Roller Girls (the roller derby league that I coach and skate for) teamed up with the Red Cross to do a blood drive. The Red Cross parked their blood donation bus in the parking lot of San Jose Skate (our…

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