<. 30 Candles | 03 – Trapeze Class

Archive for 03 – Trapeze Class

Trapeze Class!!!!

Taking the drop in trapeze class at the San Francisco Circus Center is something that I have wanted to do for awhile now. It was one of the first things that I put on my 30 before 30 list. I decided for my birthday this…

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Birthday Weekend – Saturday!

Last Saturday was my 28th birthday! I spent most of the day in San Francisco with a group of friends having a blast. Here are some of the highlights from my birthday: Took a trapeze class at the San Francisco Circus Center Pigged out at…

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November, you are looking awesome!

(photo source: denverpost.com) Yesterday – I booked an appointment to donate blood again! (#17) Today – Booked reservations for a trapeze class at the San Francisco Circus School (#3) This weekend – Veggie Thanksgiving with friends Next weekend – Trapeze class/birthday weekend (turning 28)! Weekend…

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