Birthday gifts

Hula's Island Grill in Santa Cruz

Birthday cupcakes from Black China Bakery

Birthday cupcake sampling

Keiko sleeping on my warm and cozy bed

My Mom was out of town on Saturday, so I ended up celebrating my birthday with both of my parents on Sunday. Pictured above is some of the gifts that I got for my birthday (panda tea for two set, Tim Gunn’s new book, and a stained glass cupcake nightlight). For dinner, I went to Hula’s in Santa Cruz with my Mom and Dad. We made sure to order a huge basket of their sweet potato fries (they’re the best). For dinner I ordered the macadamia encrusted tofu with mango/papaya sauce, yum! After dinner we picked up some vegan cupcakes from New Leaf and then headed home. Also for my birthday, my parents got me a heated mattress pad. It makes me feel old and curmudgeonly that I wanted this for my birthday but it makes my bed so cozy and warm. Above I posted a picture of Keiko (my cat) enjoying the newly heated bed (he’s in kitty heaven!).