I’m really excited about my #6 item on my 30 before 30 list, making a Cherpumple. I totally adore Charles Phoenix (the original creator of the Cherpumple) and I can’t wait to make this “monster dessert”. Truth be told, I’m kind of nervous to make it because it could turnout to be a huge disaster! I imagine overflowing cake/pie mixture baked into my oven, frosting splatters everywhere, and dirty dishes stacked to the ceiling!!!

This is where Hit-O-Honey’s (of the roller derby league the Dockyard Derby Dames) hilarious youtube video of her making a Cherpumple can be of assistance. Hit’s attempt sadly failed but I can learn from her fail! Here are the things I learned in her video:

  • Drinking while making the Cherpumple helps keep the sanity
  • Double check that you have the right sized pans
  • Make sure to grease the pan!

Thanks Hit for the pointers and also for confirming my fears 😉