<. 30 Candles | Portfolio Categories | Completed

#1 – Trapeze Class

Taking the drop in trapeze class at the San Francisco Circus Center is something that I have always wanted to do. It was one of the first things that I put on my 30 before 30 list. I got a small group of friends together…

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#2 – Banked Track Roller Derby

Skating a banked track training camp was one of the items on my list that I was the most eager to cross off. I have been involved in roller derby since 2006 and have very limited access to banked tracks. I was able to attend…

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#3 – More USA Travel

I am really lucky to have a boyfriend that loves to travel and to be a member of a derby league that travels frequently. Between the two of them I found myself on many plane flights in 2011 and 2012. Below are my trips that…

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#4 – Learn to Pickle

My mom really helped me out with crossing this item off the list and she doesn’t even like pickles! She is a canning wizard and hosted a pickle making session at her house. Together we made about two dozen jars of garlic and dill pickles…

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#5 – Give Blood

I really was chicken about donating blood before crossing this item off the list. The derby team that I coach hosted a blood drive and I stepped up to donate blood. We had a blood mobile come to our rink and together, with my leaguemates,…

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#6 – BBQ Sauce from Scratch

This is one of the most random items on my list! I decided that I wanted to learn how to make my own BBQ sauce after stumbling upon an easy recipe in a cookbook. It was as simple as combining all the ingredients in a…

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#7 – Throw a Halloween Party

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I knew that I somehow wanted to include in on my list. Throwing a Halloween party was way more work than I thought it was going to be but it was worth it. Tracy and I made our own…

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#8 – Ridiculous Splash Mountain Photo

Since taking this photo, I have been asked many times with how we were able to balance the Jenga set during the ride (*facepalm*). Prior to heading down to Disneyland, I made a trip to my local Target and purchased a bottle of wood glue…

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